Chapter- 1
Income Tax Law
Introduction & Basic Concepts
A tax may be defined as
“a compulsory extraction made by General Government from the general public.”
“A fee charged (or levied) by a government on a product, income, or activity.”
Tax is a financial charge imposed on individuals or legal entity by the Government in pursuant to its legislative authority. A number of taxes have been imposed by various Governments covering different aspects such as income, wealth, sales, expenditure, services provided, production, import, export etc. The purpose of taxation is to finance government expenditure.…………
Chapter – 1
Communication Skills
Introduction & Basic Concepts
Meaning of Communication:
Communication derived from the world COMMUNIS which means COMMON.
The term Communication has been derived from the Greek word “Communi-cate” which means to share.
Thus Communication means sharing or exchange of information.
Communication is concerned with the ways we make others to know or to understand our feelings, opinions, ideas, informations etc…….
Chapter- 1
Company Law
Nature of Company
Meaning: The word ‘Company’ is very much in use. Generally it means a group of people or organization of people for a particular purpose.
The world ‘Company’ is derived from the combination of two Latin words such as COM & PANIS.
Broadly speaking company connotes the idea, a member may transfer his interest in the association without the consent of other members. Such association have perpetual succession and common seal…….